WiseHeart for Depression
Meeting You Where You Are
Holding the Space
Finding Your Inner Truth
Evoking Primal Connections
Engaging Your Community
Achieving Balance
Unlocking your Potential
These tools can be seen as “pieces of the puzzle” which, when taken as a whole, help consistently move you forward to create the life that you want to live. You will have your own personalized plan based on a one-day special retreat where dreams become goals and your own specific challenges are acknowledged and incorporated. Over the course of the program, you will have one Reiki and CranioSacral therapy treatment a month and then once a month there will be an additional activity designed to work with the WiseHeart tools. As personal and group dynamics permit, we will also work with others in the WiseHeart program to expand the support and resources available to any one participant. Throughout the program, participants will track their progress and be able to consistently evaluate how far they have come. Finally there will be a closing retreat to celebrate and to move on to a freer, more open and happier life.